How can household appliances deal with our mould company?
Washing machines, dishwashers and refrigerators: so-called “white” appliances. They are tools that we all have at home and we certainly cannot stay without. On the other hand, there are so-called “black” appliances which include televisions and DVD players.
Household appliances seem to be very remote from our world of O-ring moulds and technical rubber articles. However, we also collaborate with the manufacturers of these tools and contribute to their efficient functioning. There are many devices that include O-rings and / or technical rubber articles, and as many mould enquiries come from manufacturers in this product category. The versatility of our moulds allows us to operate in many industries: from automotive, through medical, to household appliances.
Today we want to focus on the project related to the latter sector. We want to tell you the story of one of our Spanish clients from Catalonia, for whom we have built a two-cavity mould. The customer asked us for comfort in the moulding phase. In fact, with large moulds, difficulties may be encountered in removing the technical rubber article from the mould. Our team has designed a mould that includes a system for conveniently removing the cores from the press, thereby increasing the speed in the extraction phase of the technical rubber article from the mould. Here is a picture of our CEO Stefano and Federico who proudly show the finished mould:

What do you think about the result? We are very pleased with the work of our team. Moreover, our client, who has meanwhile started moulding his technical rubber articles, confirms that with this mould, he is able to do an excellent job.